the Lonely One-Way Highway

A covenant. The oath. Eternal union. Fidelity.

So long as you both shall live—til death part.

Before God bride and groom soon to cleave.


A wedding cake. The minstrel’s flute.

Reception rancorous. And the trio plays on.

Wedding rings shine brightly. Holy vows.


A poem spoken. The fat church lady sings.

Champagne cascades down the glass tower.

Groom’s hidden flask, the bride’s garter belt.


A child. Conceived in lust. The image of self.

Life is made anew by virtue of a young you.

Center of universe. Something to live for.


A passage of time. The lament. Regret.

Ruthless selfishness. Rugged individualism.

Social distancing. Intimacies indifferent.


A longing to separate. Wherewithal without.

Love lingers on the lonely one-way highway.

Divorce decree. Before God; bride and groom.


© emmett wheatfall


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